At first social good, was defined as something that benefits a lot of people. For example, when LeBron James built a public school in his hometown of Akron, that benefited a lot of people. That is definitely a good example from of social good. Another general example would be a doctor deciding to build a public hospital to benefit those who can’t afford basic healthcare. Now, that is a basic concern for his fellow citizens. Those people should immediately become role models for their people.
It is great how some athletes decide to use their oodles of cash to benefit others.
They could have easily spent their extra money buying a private jet or a beachfront resort. Since they’re good at what they do, it is pretty easy for them to earn cash. It’s certainly different being an athlete. Being good at sports like basketball and football has its fair share of benefits. Not everyone will be good at it but those who are will be blessed with lots of money.
These days, it is using the power of social media for the benefit of a number of individuals. For example, sharing the news that there will be a typhoon that will enter the country. That is definitely a good example. Yes, one simple click of a button can be an example. Of course, it would be better if you have a lot of friends. If you only have 3 followers on Twitter or 4 friends on Facebook, then that is not doing much when you share something unless those followers and friends of yours decide to share what you shared. It is definitely an act of kindness to be sharing a piece of information. It is like sharing the good or bad NaughtyAmerica discount news just to make sure other people are aware of it. Yes, even making a video of yourself enlisting new government benefits is a prime example of social good. It is something that is easy to duplicate but it takes guts to do that effort.
Social good is also known as common good which is pretty self-explanatory. It is nearly impossible for these actions to make some people angry. Besides, the reason why people do these things is for the common good. Nowadays, not only can the government do actions that will benefit the common good. Anybody with access to the Internet can have the ability to do so. Yes, it is all about the power of the Internet.
That means anyone who has a smartphone can do whatever he or she pleases as long as there is a connection to the Internet.
In addition, social good is about unlocking the potential of today’s youth especially when it is about giving free education. You can only imagine the number of people who will take advantage of that. It is possible that you were not able to finish school and still get a high-paying Femjoy discount job. Of course, it is still a different story if you can say you were able to finish school.